Inexpensive and simple actions can help you save money and protect your equipment during the warm summer months. There are quite a few strategies that will help you save energy while keeping your school cool and comfortable. The tips and actions below can be used daily to increase your savings.
Reduce Pool Pump Usage
Limit the time you run your pool pump to just 6 hours a day during summer months.
Regulate Your Thermostat
Keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees with the thermostat fan switched to auto. For even more savings, raise your thermostat to 82 degrees or higher when you are not in your home.
Adjust Your Water Heater
Reduce your water heater temperature from 140 degrees to 120 degrees, the recommended temperature according to the U.S Department of Energy. This will save you approximately $2 a month.
Change Your A/C Filter
Clean and/or replace the A/C filters in your home regularly to increase your unit’s efficiency and cut cooling costs.
Turn Off Ceiling Fans
Did you know that running a ceiling fan all the time costs $7 a month? Turn fans off when you are not using them.
Replace Old Shower-heads
Old shower-heads are considered high-flow and you can save up to $80 a year if you replace your old unit with a water-efficient shower-head.
Modify Your Washing Machine Settings
Adjust the water level on your washer machine for each load, paying extra attention when using hot water. Use a cold rinse whenever possible.
Clean Out Lint Filters
Clothing you place in the dryer will dry much faster when you clean out lint filters after every cycle.